Bill O Reilly

Intruder comes in, intruder comes out never a miscommunication

Intruder comes in, intruder comes out never a miscommunication  Bill O Reilly

Finals week at hofstra, dining halls have shorter hours you can't explain that

Finals week at hofstra, dining halls have shorter hours you can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

drop add goes up hokiespa goes down can't explain that

drop add goes up
hokiespa goes down can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

Romney campaigns on creating 12 million jobs, but says Government doesn't create jobs. You can't explain that.

Romney campaigns on creating 12 million jobs, but says Government doesn't create jobs. You can't explain that.  Bill O Reilly

tide comes in, tide goes out never a miscommunication. How do you Explain Japan!

tide comes in, tide goes out never a miscommunication. How do you Explain Japan!  Bill O Reilly

Oh yeaah! give me more, glenn Beck!

Oh yeaah! give me more, glenn Beck!  Bill O Reilly

Sperm goes in baby comes out never a miscommunication

Sperm goes in
baby comes out never a miscommunication   Bill O Reilly

Shirt slides up, pants slide down You can't explain that!

Shirt slides up, pants slide down You can't explain that!  Bill O Reilly

599 us dollars? Can't explain that

599 us dollars? Can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

You know, this weed isn't so bad!

You know, this weed isn't so bad!  Bill O Reilly
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