Bill O Reilly

I'm actually a very socialist liberal that knows how the world should be run. But, i'm evil and I enjoy getting paid my millions so I lie about everything. * * * * ^ ^ ---

I'm actually a very socialist liberal that knows how the world should be run. But, i'm evil and I enjoy getting paid my millions so I lie about everything.  * * * * ^ ^ ---  Bill O Reilly

Infernus is awesome you can't explain that!

Infernus is awesome you can't explain that!  Bill O Reilly

food goes in poop comes out you can't explain that

food goes in
poop comes out you can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

Socks disappear in the dryer, you can't explain that No, srsly, you can't

Socks disappear in the dryer, you can't explain that No, srsly, you can't  Bill O Reilly

This song sounds like a combination of fergie and jesus

This song sounds like a combination of fergie and jesus  Bill O Reilly

I am a top authority on Pinheads you don't get knowledge like that from schoolbooks

I am a top authority on Pinheads

 you don't get knowledge like that from schoolbooks  Bill O Reilly

Don't bother me. I'm filling a clear balloon.

Don't bother me. I'm filling a clear balloon.  Bill O Reilly

Sheltered college freshman looks like shadowlurker you can't explain that

Sheltered college freshman looks like shadowlurker you can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

$260 for parking per semester? you can't explain that

$260 for parking per semester? you can't explain that   Bill O Reilly


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