Bill O Reilly

fire in ear, wax comes out cant explain that

fire in ear, wax comes out cant explain that  Bill O Reilly

The scent of mitchell Ryan you can't explain that

The scent of mitchell Ryan you can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

Fucking magnets How do those work?

Fucking magnets How do those work?  Bill O Reilly

it was a b.s. statement not a typo

 it was a b.s. statement not a typo  Bill O Reilly

Smoke goes in Stress comes out...wait...what?

Smoke goes in Stress comes out...wait...what?  Bill O Reilly

Oh man, I feel some gas comin' on AHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAHHHH

Oh man, I feel some gas comin' on AHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAHHHH  Bill O Reilly

Tristan's opinion sucks. Can't explain it to a girls. You can't explain that.

Tristan's opinion sucks. Can't explain it to a girls.
You can't explain that.  Bill O Reilly

it's black out there you can't explain that

it's black out there you can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

I will always treat people on my show respectfully well obviosly thats bullshit

I will always treat people on my show respectfully well obviosly thats bullshit  Bill O Reilly

jokes goes in drama comes out. never a miscommunication

jokes goes in drama comes out.
never a miscommunication  Bill O Reilly
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