Bill Nye

Let me tell you somethin'... Dem Chunkas wud big! Size of a quarta' dawg on!

Let me tell you somethin'... Dem Chunkas wud big! Size of a quarta' dawg on!   Bill Nye

Teaching the only science worth knowing since Third Grade.

Teaching the only science worth knowing since Third Grade.  Bill Nye

Yolo? Bitch Please

Yolo? Bitch Please  Bill Nye

thats when they saw that bill nye was cancelled

thats when they saw that bill nye was cancelled  Bill Nye

my hypothesis is that guy's jerkin off in there

my hypothesis is  that guy's jerkin off in there  Bill Nye

"Put a quote next to my picture," "that must mean i actually said it" - Bill nye

Im a fucking scientist

 Im a fucking scientist  Bill Nye

Makes Science fun no matter what generation you're from

Makes Science fun  no matter what generation you're from  Bill Nye

Consider The Tollowing:

 Consider The Tollowing:  Bill Nye

Hard to find anything lovelier than a tree. They grow at right angles to a tangent of the nominal sphere of the Earth.

Hard to find anything lovelier than a tree.  They grow at right angles to a tangent of the nominal sphere of the Earth.   Bill Nye
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