Ben Bernanke

Hellicopter Ben > Maestro

Hellicopter Ben > Maestro  Ben Bernanke

qe 1, 2, and 3 didn't work? let's try 4, 5, and 6

qe 1, 2, and 3 didn't work? let's try 4, 5, and 6   Ben Bernanke

Writes PHD Thesis on Great Depression Makes all the same mistakes

Writes PHD Thesis on Great Depression Makes all the same mistakes  Ben Bernanke

unemployment? print money

unemployment? print money   Ben Bernanke

I got you bitchez again, I was talking about tapering my beard...

I got you bitchez again, I was talking about tapering my beard...  Ben Bernanke

svsu "Most expensive community college"


Cutting PBS to balance the budget is like shaving your head to lose weight.

Cutting PBS to balance the budget is like shaving your head to lose weight.  Ben Bernanke

Gold is over $1800? Better eat my own Federal Reserve Notes

Gold is over $1800? Better eat my own Federal Reserve Notes  Ben Bernanke

1. print money 3. Profit! 2. ???

1. print money 3. Profit! 2. ???  Ben Bernanke

Audit the fed? print money

Audit the fed? print money  Ben Bernanke
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