Ben Bernanke

Fuck Bitches print money

Fuck Bitches print money  Ben Bernanke

Lord Evelyn Rothschild the wealthiest person in the world wants more $$$ print money

Lord Evelyn Rothschild the wealthiest person in the world wants more $$$ print money  Ben Bernanke

Hey girl, Hold me to maturity.

Hey girl, Hold me to maturity.  Ben Bernanke

Osama Bin Printin

Osama Bin Printin  Ben Bernanke

High unemployment print money

High unemployment print money  Ben Bernanke

I fucked you all and i'm not wiping this grin off my face

I fucked you all and i'm not wiping this grin off my face  Ben Bernanke

QE2? moar stimulus might be needed.

QE2? moar stimulus might be needed.   Ben Bernanke

Fuck school just play protoss

Fuck school just play protoss  Ben Bernanke

inflation? I've got a fully fortified compound in paraguay

inflation?  I've got a fully fortified compound in paraguay  Ben Bernanke

economics complicated? print money

economics complicated? print money  Ben Bernanke
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