Ben Bernanke

Travel with jacktheshipper Tripple hourly

Travel with jacktheshipper Tripple hourly  Ben Bernanke

runny nose? print money

runny nose? print money  Ben Bernanke

i ran out of ink can we print more ink so we can make some more money?

i ran out of ink can we print more ink so we can make some more money?  Ben Bernanke

Earthquake Print more money

Earthquake Print more money  Ben Bernanke




Hey.   Ben Bernanke

Its not printing money Its called quantitave easing

Its not printing money Its called quantitave easing   Ben Bernanke

Assassinate Steve Jobs Divert hipster attention from Occupy Wall Street

Assassinate Steve Jobs Divert hipster attention from Occupy Wall Street  Ben Bernanke

"The financial crisis appears to be mostly behind us, and the economy seems to have stabilized and is expanding again." Unemployment: 9.1%

I don't always print money LOl ok I actually do

I don't always print money LOl ok I actually do  Ben Bernanke
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