Badass Bane

Addicted to morphine ...has a mask for that

Addicted to morphine ...has a mask for that  Badass Bane

I wasn't sure what would break first... The hooker's spirit...or her body

I wasn't sure what would break first... The hooker's spirit...or her body  Badass Bane

once Ive taken over the superbowl Then you have my permission to play

once Ive taken over the superbowl Then you have my permission to play  Badass Bane

Your merely adopted Unity I was molded by it

Your merely adopted Unity I was molded by it  Badass Bane

once the balloon is in the stratosphere Then you have my permission to dive

once the balloon is in the stratosphere Then you have my permission to dive  Badass Bane

YOU MERELY Adopted the gym I was born in it, molded by it

YOU MERELY Adopted the gym I was born in it, molded by it  Badass Bane

When you have visited the rest of France have my permission to Versailles

When you have visited the rest of France have my permission to Versailles  Badass Bane

When you've come to the end of a particularly long and arduous day then you have my permission to sigh

When you've come to the end of a particularly long and arduous day then you have my permission to sigh  Badass Bane

Your punishment must be more severe

 Your punishment must be more severe  Badass Bane

You merely adopted the playstation I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't play xbox until i was already a man.

You merely adopted the playstation I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't play xbox until i was already a man.  Badass Bane
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