Bad Zoidberg

Your offer is bad and you should feel bad

Your offer is bad and you should feel bad  Bad Zoidberg

Those memes were bad and you should feel bad

Those memes were bad and you should feel bad  Bad Zoidberg

YOUR MEME IS BAD and you should feel bad

YOUR MEME IS BAD  and you should feel bad  Bad Zoidberg

I am shouting!

I am shouting!  Bad Zoidberg

Your roads are bad and you should feel bad

Your roads are bad and you should feel bad  Bad Zoidberg

Your team is bad and you should feel Bad

Your team is bad and you should feel Bad  Bad Zoidberg

Your meme generator is bad and you should feel bad

Your meme generator is bad and you should feel bad  Bad Zoidberg

your posts are bad and you should feel bad

your posts are bad and you should feel bad  Bad Zoidberg

jacklyn wanted cupcakes for her birthday! and you should feel bad

jacklyn wanted cupcakes for her birthday! and you should feel bad  Bad Zoidberg

Your pun is bad and you should feel...well, proud, actually

Your pun is bad and you should feel...well, proud, actually  Bad Zoidberg
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