Bad Luck Brian

Dies before the black guy

Dies before the black guy  Bad Luck Brian

Smokes first cigarette cancer

Smokes first cigarette cancer  Bad Luck Brian

No more Acne Hairloss

No more Acne Hairloss  Bad Luck Brian

Learned how to use the washing machine. Because he shit his pants.

Learned how to use the washing machine. Because he shit his pants.  Bad Luck Brian

Does duck face Gets shot by Elmer Fudd

Does duck face Gets shot by Elmer Fudd  Bad Luck Brian

conceived in womb aborted

conceived in womb aborted  Bad Luck Brian

hot girl says he looks like someone famous ron howard

hot girl says he looks like someone famous ron howard  Bad Luck Brian

Skips class to study in library Class Relocated to library

Skips class to study in library Class Relocated to library  Bad Luck Brian

Buys a mac gets a virus

Buys a mac gets a virus  Bad Luck Brian

Wins his first raffle Hunger Games

Wins his first raffle Hunger Games  Bad Luck Brian
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