Bad Luck Brian

mau sunat, gak jadi gara - gara onderdil kejepit resleting

mau sunat, gak jadi gara - gara onderdil kejepit resleting  Bad Luck Brian

lost 20 pounds didn't drop a bra size

lost 20 pounds  didn't drop a bra size  Bad Luck Brian

Finally penetrates a butthole while over at his girlfriend's house Toilet paper rips In the bathroom after he takes a nasty diarrhea dump during dinner while meeting her parents

Finally penetrates a butthole while over at his girlfriend's house Toilet paper rips In the bathroom after he takes a nasty diarrhea dump during dinner while meeting her parents  Bad Luck Brian

Feels Sick Passes Out Shits Pants Throws Up

Feels Sick Passes Out
Shits Pants
Throws Up  Bad Luck Brian


DIES SHITS  Bad Luck Brian

Bradley cooper wants to have sex with him he turns zoophile

Bradley cooper wants to have sex with him he turns zoophile  Bad Luck Brian

Finds a penny on the ground Gets hit by a car

Finds a penny on the ground Gets hit by a car  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to africa gets kidnapped by kony

Goes to africa gets kidnapped by kony  Bad Luck Brian

Takes first sip of beer Alcohol poisoning

Takes first sip of beer Alcohol poisoning  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to usy Still gets ladies

Goes to usy Still gets ladies  Bad Luck Brian
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