Bad Luck Brian

Se vuelve nacionalista Humala se pasa a la extrema derecha

Se vuelve nacionalista Humala se pasa a la extrema derecha  Bad Luck Brian

gets ons freeway 'Jesus take the wheel' day

gets ons freeway 'Jesus take the wheel' day  Bad Luck Brian

tries to jump into pool of water from a high height lilypad

tries to jump into pool of water from a high height lilypad  Bad Luck Brian

CLicks Random subreddit button sent to /r/spacedicks

CLicks Random subreddit button sent to /r/spacedicks  Bad Luck Brian

Enters Swag Competition Goes against Jamal Boey

Enters Swag Competition Goes against Jamal Boey   Bad Luck Brian

Googles "Gary Oldman" Forgets the r


Helps step brother to build bunk beds Collapses on him

Helps step brother to build bunk beds Collapses on him  Bad Luck Brian

CUts do not remove tag off mattress trips and impales himself with the scissors

CUts do not remove tag off mattress trips and impales himself with the scissors  Bad Luck Brian

Meets Good Guy Greg Pisses him off

Meets Good Guy Greg Pisses him off  Bad Luck Brian

Bit by radioactive spider Dies

Bit by radioactive spider Dies  Bad Luck Brian
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