Bad Luck Brian

Uses porta-potty drowns

Uses porta-potty drowns  Bad Luck Brian

Get Perfect shot of a florida sunset West Nile

Get Perfect shot of a florida sunset West Nile  Bad Luck Brian

Next in line at Chipotle Fax order

Next in line at 
Chipotle Fax order  Bad Luck Brian

Friends keep raving about this awesome resturant Gets food poisoning from the first visit

Friends keep raving about this awesome resturant Gets food poisoning from the first visit   Bad Luck Brian

Professes that something is the epitome of stupidity Attempts to sound intelligent in comments

Professes that something is the epitome of stupidity Attempts to sound intelligent in comments  Bad Luck Brian

Eats at restaurant the day it becomes famous For most health code violations

Eats at restaurant the day it becomes famous For most health code violations  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to Antarctica Dies from Heatstroke

Goes to Antarctica   Dies from Heatstroke   Bad Luck Brian

Watches tv with parents "Trojan mannnnn"

Watches tv with parents

Finally works up the courage to break up with abusive girlfriend Unknowingly does it on April first, she thinks he's joking, continues to beat him.

Finally works up the courage to break up with abusive girlfriend Unknowingly does it on April first, she thinks he's joking, continues to beat him.  Bad Luck Brian

After 19 years of not being very close, finally tries to spend more time with his dad dad's new job makes him work 50+ hours, 6-7 days a week

After 19 years of not being very close, finally tries to spend more time with his dad dad's new job makes him work 50+ hours, 6-7 days a week  Bad Luck Brian
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