Bad Luck Brian

Breaks wishbone by himself Both pieces equal

Breaks wishbone by himself Both pieces equal  Bad Luck Brian

Takes 30 pens to the exam All red

Takes 30 pens to the exam All red  Bad Luck Brian

First night waiting tables. Waits on own parents. Gets stiffed.

First night waiting tables.  Waits on own parents. Gets stiffed.  Bad Luck Brian

Sees Michael J Fox In Public At a urinal while wearing sandals

Sees Michael J Fox In Public At a urinal while wearing sandals  Bad Luck Brian

gets expensive phone with Android 4.2 os Birthday in December

gets expensive phone with Android 4.2 os Birthday in December  Bad Luck Brian

One class left till graduation World ends

One class left till graduation World ends   Bad Luck Brian

Graduates Star Fleet Academy RedShirt

Graduates Star Fleet Academy  RedShirt  Bad Luck Brian

Fuck chicks, man I just wanna dance

Fuck chicks, man I just wanna dance  Bad Luck Brian

Tells gf they should see other people she already is

Tells gf they should see other people she already is  Bad Luck Brian

Gets a valentine from his best friend

Gets a valentine from his best friend  Bad Luck Brian
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