Bad Luck Brian

know what i would like to see in a girl? me!

know what i would like to see in a girl? me!  Bad Luck Brian

Washed Balls with rub a535

Washed Balls with rub a535   Bad Luck Brian

gets excited there is no line at chick fil a It's sunday

gets excited there is no line at chick fil a It's sunday  Bad Luck Brian

Never lost his virginity still got Aids

Never lost his
virginity still got Aids  Bad Luck Brian

Texts while lying down phone falls on face

Texts while lying down phone falls on face  Bad Luck Brian

black cat crosses his path dies

black cat crosses his path dies  Bad Luck Brian

Throws masterball Pokemon escapes

Throws masterball Pokemon escapes  Bad Luck Brian

Looks both ways still gets run over

Looks both ways still gets run over  Bad Luck Brian

Throws rock at ground Missed

Throws rock at ground Missed  Bad Luck Brian

Finds drivable car during zombie apocalypse Stickshift

Finds drivable car during zombie apocalypse Stickshift  Bad Luck Brian
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