Bad Luck Brian

shaves pubes before first date cuts penis off

shaves pubes before first date cuts penis off  Bad Luck Brian

Got a Bid From Sigma Chi Accepted Bid

Got a Bid From Sigma Chi Accepted Bid  Bad Luck Brian

Leaves Afghanistan in search of religious freedom Welcome to America. We'll make you feel right at home

Leaves Afghanistan in search of religious freedom Welcome to America. We'll make you feel right at home  Bad Luck Brian

Meets awesome girl at children of divorce support group parents start dating each other

Meets awesome girl at children of divorce support group parents start dating each other  Bad Luck Brian

Friend tells me it is safe to download music from a torrent site Company sues me after first download

Friend tells me it is  safe to download music from a torrent site Company sues me after first download  Bad Luck Brian

Gets the shit beat out of him at school suspended

Gets the shit beat out of him at school suspended  Bad Luck Brian

"I turned my dome light on, officer, because I have nothing to hide!" gets full-cavity search


Applies for GM GETS BANNED ON FORUMS  Bad Luck Brian

lost his virginity became a father

lost his virginity became a father  Bad Luck Brian

gets a zero on the scantron test because he started bubbling from 2

gets a zero on the scantron test because he started bubbling from 2  Bad Luck Brian
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