Bad Luck Brian

Ringtone goes off at funeral Staying alive

Ringtone goes off at funeral Staying alive   Bad Luck Brian

tries to reduce his risk of getting prostate cancer goes blind

tries to reduce his risk of getting prostate cancer goes blind  Bad Luck Brian

Can't get a job because I have no experience Have no experience because i can't get a job

Can't get a job because I have no experience Have no experience because i can't get a job  Bad Luck Brian

Helps push strangers car out of the snow pushes on spoiler and breaks it off.

Helps push strangers car out of the snow pushes on spoiler and breaks it off.  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to Finds павла

Goes to Finds павла  Bad Luck Brian

Max bet out, gets ace Pit boss declares misdeal

Max bet out, gets ace Pit boss declares misdeal  Bad Luck Brian

experiments putting things up his ass prolapsed rectum

experiments putting things up his ass prolapsed rectum  Bad Luck Brian

Tries first cigarette Cancer

Tries first cigarette  Cancer  Bad Luck Brian

Plays mw3 infected is always the first one who is infected

Plays mw3 infected  is always the first one who is infected  Bad Luck Brian

Masturbates in hot tub Gets sister pregnant

Masturbates in hot tub Gets sister pregnant   Bad Luck Brian
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