Bad Luck Brian

Grows up to be a successful chemist bryan cranston

Grows up to be a successful chemist bryan cranston  Bad Luck Brian

is the first person at the beach normandy

is the first person at the beach  normandy  Bad Luck Brian

Reaches end of rainbow Gets struck by lightning

Reaches end of rainbow Gets struck by lightning  Bad Luck Brian

god returns to his people Hernan Cortes

god returns to his people Hernan Cortes  Bad Luck Brian

Tries to start a flashmob Becomes a paraplegic

Tries to start a flashmob Becomes a paraplegic  Bad Luck Brian

first cake day reddit is preoccupied with team war

first cake day reddit is preoccupied with team war  Bad Luck Brian

Lands TV anchor job First words out of his mouth is"fuck"

Lands TV anchor job First words out of his mouth is

Gets caught Jacking Off Mom stares and laughs at his small dick

Gets caught Jacking Off Mom stares and laughs at his small dick  Bad Luck Brian

Finds shiny electrode Explosion

Finds shiny electrode Explosion  Bad Luck Brian

Has phone sex gets hearing aids

Has phone sex gets hearing aids  Bad Luck Brian
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