Bad Luck Brian

Goes to the doctor for a persisting stomach ache Gives birth 5 hours later

Goes to the doctor for a persisting stomach ache Gives birth 5 hours later  Bad Luck Brian

Finally makes front page At work all day and never gets to see it

Finally makes front page At work all day and never gets to see it  Bad Luck Brian



Gets sex change Breast cancer

Gets sex change Breast cancer  Bad Luck Brian

Posts on Reddit Random comment on post has more upvotes than post

Posts on Reddit Random comment on post has more upvotes than post  Bad Luck Brian

Takes School photo doesn't get the lasers

Takes School photo doesn't get the lasers   Bad Luck Brian

Trova una ragazza Esce Diablo 3

Trova una ragazza Esce Diablo 3  Bad Luck Brian

present for a once in a life time event too self conscious to take a picture

present for a once in a life time event too self conscious to take a picture  Bad Luck Brian

Browses r/adviceanimals today at work fired for looking at naked women

Browses r/adviceanimals today at work fired for looking at naked women  Bad Luck Brian

Gets invited to a hot tub party sausage fest

Gets invited to a hot tub party sausage fest  Bad Luck Brian
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