Bad Luck Brian

eats alphabet soup has a vowel movement

eats alphabet soup has a vowel movement  Bad Luck Brian

Throws a party gets kicked out

Throws a party gets kicked out  Bad Luck Brian

Uses AirBnB Gets kidnapped & dies

Uses AirBnB Gets kidnapped & dies  Bad Luck Brian

Uses bumpers still bowls a gutter ball

Uses bumpers still bowls a gutter ball  Bad Luck Brian

tries to bring back the old bad luck brian meme shits

tries to bring back the old bad luck brian meme shits  Bad Luck Brian

First plane ride Kamikaze pilot

First plane ride Kamikaze pilot   Bad Luck Brian

Makes funny face stays that way

Makes funny face stays that way  Bad Luck Brian

Decides to finally stop using his nightlight Gets eaten by the monster under the bed

Decides to finally stop using his nightlight Gets eaten by the monster under the bed  Bad Luck Brian

gives up weeks of reddit to study for finals fails

gives up weeks of reddit to study for finals fails  Bad Luck Brian

spends 3 hours making a fortress in minecraft gets blown up by one creeper

spends 3 hours making a fortress in minecraft gets blown up by one creeper  Bad Luck Brian
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