Bad Luck Brian

Wins free cruise tickets Costa Concordia

Wins free cruise tickets Costa Concordia  Bad Luck Brian

Picks up inheritance from the bank Robbery in progress

Picks up inheritance from the bank Robbery in progress  Bad Luck Brian

Drinks milk one day after expiration Gets sick

Drinks milk one day after expiration Gets sick  Bad Luck Brian

first time masterbating blind

first time masterbating blind  Bad Luck Brian

Swallows gum stays in stomach for 7 years

Swallows gum stays in stomach for 7 years  Bad Luck Brian

Posts to r/freekarma downvoted

Posts to r/freekarma downvoted  Bad Luck Brian

loses virginity gains a child

loses virginity gains a child  Bad Luck Brian

Farts shits in pants

Farts shits in pants  Bad Luck Brian

parents allowed to wear a hoodie gets shot

parents allowed to wear a hoodie gets shot  Bad Luck Brian

inserts q-tip into ear canal goes deaf

inserts q-tip into ear canal goes deaf  Bad Luck Brian
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