Bad Luck Brian

Plays with scrotum dad's

Plays with scrotum dad's  Bad Luck Brian

wears a hoodie murdered

wears a hoodie murdered  Bad Luck Brian

Stalking a Girl on facebook Accidentally likes status from two years ago

Stalking a Girl on facebook Accidentally likes status from two years ago  Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets girl to suck his dick Shits when he pulls down his pants

Finally gets girl to suck his dick Shits when he pulls down his pants  Bad Luck Brian

Gets to second base for the first time Shits

Gets to second base for the first time Shits  Bad Luck Brian

Wins the Mega Million Lottery Diagnosed with Terminal cancer

Wins the Mega Million Lottery Diagnosed with Terminal cancer  Bad Luck Brian

Flies in airship Hindenburg

Flies in airship Hindenburg  Bad Luck Brian

Has an Operation Goodbye Kidneys

Has an Operation Goodbye Kidneys  Bad Luck Brian

gets pantsed in cafeteria has a boner

gets pantsed in cafeteria has a boner  Bad Luck Brian

puts phone in front of him while peeing Phone gets stolen

puts phone in front of  him while peeing Phone gets stolen  Bad Luck Brian
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