Bad Luck Brian

Puts dick in mouth for all of 30 seconds gets the hiv

Puts dick in mouth for all of 30 seconds gets the hiv  Bad Luck Brian

shows friend reddit shows him the showing Reddit to friends post

shows friend reddit shows him the showing Reddit to friends post  Bad Luck Brian

Doesn't forward Grandma's Chain E-Mails, Burns in hell.

Doesn't forward Grandma's Chain E-Mails, Burns in hell.  Bad Luck Brian

First Cakeday Computer breaks

First Cakeday Computer breaks  Bad Luck Brian

Takes the change from ash tray hoping to use it At the cashiers and get rid of some of it Total comes out to $ 19.01

Takes the change from ash tray hoping to use it At the cashiers and get rid of some of it Total comes out to $ 19.01  Bad Luck Brian

i swallowed my first tooth doctor!!!

i swallowed my first tooth  doctor!!!  Bad Luck Brian

gets new shoes for christmas air max 95's

gets new shoes for christmas air max 95's  Bad Luck Brian

And then i told him mr iza, i have your tank top

And then i told him mr iza, i have your tank top  Bad Luck Brian

wakes up everyday and has to live with it

wakes up everyday and has to live with it  Bad Luck Brian

My dad said what are your job prospects i said they're so many i can't count

My dad said what are your job prospects  i said they're so many i can't count   Bad Luck Brian
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