Bad Luck Brian

swims for his life from a shark, barely makes it out of the water gets run over by lifeguard jeep

swims for his life from a shark, barely makes it out of the water gets run over by lifeguard jeep  Bad Luck Brian

Commits suicide in class No one notices

Commits suicide in class No one notices  Bad Luck Brian

parents get a puppy puts him in the blender

parents get a puppy puts him in the blender  Bad Luck Brian

Number one post on reddit New

Number one post on reddit New  Bad Luck Brian

Finally saves up enough to buy a new WRX Gets sti

Finally saves up enough to buy a new WRX Gets sti  Bad Luck Brian

Plays World of warcraft Thinks he has chance with hot chick.

Plays World of warcraft Thinks he has chance with hot chick.  Bad Luck Brian

Woke up early by chance, ready to leave early making heavy traffic on 405 mute. Has to poop

Woke up early by chance, ready to leave early making heavy traffic on 405 mute. Has to poop  Bad Luck Brian

Sees a train approaching while traveling over the crossing Does a U turn to be first in line at the barrier arms

Sees a train approaching while traveling over the crossing Does a U turn to be first in line at the barrier arms  Bad Luck Brian

takes his pants down to impress a girl she posts the picture and calls him a friend

takes his pants down to impress a girl she posts the picture and calls him a friend  Bad Luck Brian

Pops the molly doesn't sweat

Pops the molly  doesn't sweat  Bad Luck Brian
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