Bad Luck Brian

Fingers a girl on cruise in the middle of the ocean girlfriend back home finds out

Fingers a girl on cruise in the middle of the ocean girlfriend back home finds out  Bad Luck Brian

Visits New York City Muggers don't believe his accent is authentic

Visits New York City Muggers don't believe his accent is authentic  Bad Luck Brian

joins military for college money tuition assistance suspended

joins military for college money tuition assistance suspended   Bad Luck Brian

Can't grow mustache, so doesn't look like a pedophile Gets hit on by pedophiles

Can't grow mustache, so doesn't look like a pedophile Gets hit on by pedophiles  Bad Luck Brian

picks up a girl at the bar pulls a muscle in his back and charged with assault

picks up a girl at the bar pulls a muscle in his back and charged with assault   Bad Luck Brian

Skips class today to study for final on thursday Misread schedule, final was today

Skips class today to study for final on thursday Misread schedule, final was today  Bad Luck Brian

Created meme that made it to front page Forgot to log out of throwaway account first

Created meme that made it to front page Forgot to log out of throwaway account first  Bad Luck Brian

Drives to Minneapolis... ISN'T SNOWING.

Drives to Minneapolis... ISN'T SNOWING.  Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets shift in the county Partner is Emily smith

Finally gets shift in the county Partner is Emily smith   Bad Luck Brian

finally plucks up courage to talk to girl he likes not interested

finally plucks up courage to talk to girl he likes not interested  Bad Luck Brian
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