Bad Luck Brian

Goes to Elementary school In Newtown, Connecticut

Goes to Elementary school In Newtown, Connecticut  Bad Luck Brian

Tries to pee shits

Tries to pee shits  Bad Luck Brian

First time having anal sex dropped the soap

First time having anal sex dropped the soap  Bad Luck Brian

Gets a Rush Album for Christmas Power Windows

Gets a Rush Album for Christmas Power Windows  Bad Luck Brian

Anchor Baby In Mexico

Anchor Baby In Mexico  Bad Luck Brian

Gets a girls number Accadentally texts her a picture of poop

Gets a girls number Accadentally texts her a picture of poop  Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets an idea to post something semi-good in advice animals misspells a word and it the end it doesn't make any sense

Finally gets an idea to post something semi-good in advice animals misspells a word and it the end it doesn't make any sense  Bad Luck Brian

Life saving blood transfusion from magic johnson

Life saving blood transfusion from magic johnson  Bad Luck Brian

dropped soap. caught it it being an std from the prison rape

dropped soap. caught it it being an std from the prison rape  Bad Luck Brian

Rescues dog from animal shelter insanity wolf

Rescues dog from animal shelter insanity wolf  Bad Luck Brian
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