Bad Luck Brian

Didnt lose his soul to 9gag plays nukezone

Didnt lose his soul to 9gag plays nukezone  Bad Luck Brian

Buys Game full priced steam sale

Buys Game full priced steam sale  Bad Luck Brian

le otorgan la secretaria de gobernacion el gobierno legitimo de amlo

le otorgan la secretaria de gobernacion el gobierno legitimo de amlo  Bad Luck Brian

Spends all Friday and Saturday working on a assignment, looking forward to sunshine on Sunday. THUNDERSTORM

Spends all Friday and Saturday working on a assignment, looking forward to sunshine on Sunday. THUNDERSTORM  Bad Luck Brian

goes skydiving raped

goes skydiving raped  Bad Luck Brian


U MAD?   Bad Luck Brian

Gets Into University Still gets hour long lecture from parents

Gets Into University Still gets hour long lecture from parents   Bad Luck Brian

Gets to watch batman premiere aurora

Gets to watch batman premiere aurora   Bad Luck Brian

Flys to Vegas Layover

Flys to Vegas Layover  Bad Luck Brian

calls a 1-900 number for a good time sister answers phone

calls a 1-900 number for a good time sister answers phone  Bad Luck Brian
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