Bad Luck Brian

Gets in to college Devry

Gets in to college Devry  Bad Luck Brian

Checks into hotel room 1408

Checks into hotel room 1408  Bad Luck Brian

Buys lottery coupon Gets hit by 17 falling airplanes

Buys lottery coupon Gets hit by 17 falling airplanes  Bad Luck Brian

Gets chicken pox vaccine Gets chicken pox

Gets chicken pox vaccine  Gets chicken pox  Bad Luck Brian

Defers law school exam to avoid week of hell Doesn't understand material; cant ask any questions

Defers law school exam to avoid week of hell Doesn't understand material; cant ask any questions  Bad Luck Brian

"just take a few deep breaths for me" forgets how to breathe

finally gets an "a" on a test hepatitis

finally gets an

gets backsplash from toilet flush aids

gets backsplash from toilet flush aids  Bad Luck Brian

listens to dubstep first time hemorrhoids

listens to dubstep first time hemorrhoids  Bad Luck Brian

Surgery has 99% success rate Dies

Surgery has 99% success rate Dies  Bad Luck Brian
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