Bad Luck Brian

Steals a candy bar from the convenience store beat down by muslims

Steals a candy bar from the convenience store beat down by muslims  Bad Luck Brian

aww! his first kiss! herpes

aww! his first kiss! herpes  Bad Luck Brian

drinks pepto-bismol gets diarrhea

drinks pepto-bismol gets diarrhea  Bad Luck Brian

credits dad for meme missing for 15 years real parents live two towns over

credits dad for meme missing for 15 years
real parents live
two towns over  Bad Luck Brian

brian high as fuck taking photos and SHITS

brian high as fuck taking photos and SHITS  Bad Luck Brian

Becomes A Successful Meme Replaced by Ridiculously photogenic guy

Becomes A Successful Meme Replaced by Ridiculously photogenic guy  Bad Luck Brian

uses cellphone once gets cancer

uses cellphone once gets cancer  Bad Luck Brian

steps on a crack mother's spine gets crushed by a falling piano

steps on a crack mother's spine gets crushed by a falling piano  Bad Luck Brian

drinks coffee for the first time seizure

drinks coffee for the first time seizure  Bad Luck Brian

Shows Mom Ridiculously Photogenic Guy Gets Dissowned

Shows Mom Ridiculously Photogenic Guy Gets Dissowned  Bad Luck Brian
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