Bad Luck Brian

Wears new outfit Russell Brand offers to take him to dinner

Wears new outfit Russell Brand offers to take him to dinner  Bad Luck Brian

Cuts tag off shirt more uncomfortable than before

Cuts tag off shirt more uncomfortable than before   Bad Luck Brian

Painted Body For Sports Game Tan Lines

Painted Body For Sports Game Tan Lines  Bad Luck Brian

Goes outside to enjoy fresh air during lunch break Manure was just laid down on landscaping

Goes outside to enjoy fresh air during lunch break Manure was just laid down on landscaping  Bad Luck Brian

Writes about loving his gf on Receives the email during break up

Writes about loving his gf on Receives the email during break up  Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets to go to camp GITMO

Finally gets to go to camp GITMO  Bad Luck Brian

birthday on April Fools nobody believes him

birthday on April Fools nobody believes him  Bad Luck Brian

Goes on epic journey Forgot potions

Goes on epic journey Forgot potions  Bad Luck Brian

Gets free water from a girl thinks she's hitting on him

Gets free water from a girl thinks she's hitting on him  Bad Luck Brian

Bees are dying

 Bees are dying  Bad Luck Brian
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