Bad Luck Brian

Eats Peanut Butter Sandwich Dies of Salmonella

Eats Peanut Butter Sandwich Dies of Salmonella  Bad Luck Brian

Chooses Taylor Gang Dies

Chooses Taylor Gang Dies   Bad Luck Brian

steals from friend shitty headphones

steals from friend shitty headphones  Bad Luck Brian

Used facebook after school I.t crashes his laptop

Used facebook after school I.t crashes his laptop  Bad Luck Brian

Tries to pay attention in class not enough money

Tries to pay attention in class not enough money  Bad Luck Brian

Gets Aids. Cure is invented within the hour

Gets Aids.  Cure is invented within the hour  Bad Luck Brian

Hoes be like TWERK TEAM!!! But don't know how to twerk

Hoes be like TWERK TEAM!!! But don't know how to twerk  Bad Luck Brian

Asked parents what they had for dinner They both had steak

Asked parents what they had for dinner They both had steak   Bad Luck Brian

I am an engineer, and you are not. I make over 150k per year and have completed my PhD in structural engineering. I have all necessary certifications (FE and PE) to practice in my state and am highly sought after by those who are familiar with my work. Y

I am an engineer, and you are not. I make over 150k per year and have completed my PhD in structural engineering. I have all necessary certifications (FE and PE) to practice in my state and am highly sought after by those who are familiar with my work.

Y  Bad Luck Brian

Wins $62 in the lottery One number away from $250,000

Wins $62 in the lottery One number away from $250,000  Bad Luck Brian
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