Bad Luck Brian

Parks in garage Parking ticket

Parks in garage Parking ticket  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to indoor pool sunburn

Goes to indoor pool sunburn  Bad Luck Brian

cakeday doesn't log in to reddit

cakeday doesn't log in to reddit  Bad Luck Brian

gets a match in eharmony with himself

gets a match in eharmony with himself  Bad Luck Brian

Posts awesome link on Reddit, nobody notices 3 hours later, exact same post makes front page

Posts awesome link on Reddit, nobody notices  3 hours later, exact same post makes front page   Bad Luck Brian

gets walkoff hit michaels on third

gets walkoff hit  michaels on third  Bad Luck Brian

Dad cheats on mom girlfriend gets pregnant

Dad cheats on mom girlfriend gets pregnant  Bad Luck Brian

Reads movie reviews for upcoming release Spoilers

Reads movie reviews for upcoming release Spoilers  Bad Luck Brian

wins surprise tickets on the radio nickleback

wins surprise tickets on the radio nickleback  Bad Luck Brian

Gets invited to a club NAMBLA

Gets invited to a club NAMBLA  Bad Luck Brian
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