Bad Luck Brian

Cast's Magic Missile Misses

Cast's Magic Missile Misses  Bad Luck Brian

is in a locker room full of guys boner

is in a locker room full of guys boner  Bad Luck Brian

Posts on r/suicidewatch down FOR MAINTENANCE

Posts on r/suicidewatch down FOR MAINTENANCE  Bad Luck Brian

Listens to alex chettiath's drums and survives. wait a minute, that is lucky. no. he had a massive internal diarrhea causing feces to flow through his body causing him to die from salmonella.

Listens to alex chettiath's drums and survives.  wait a minute, that is lucky. no. he had a massive internal diarrhea causing feces to flow through his body causing him to die from salmonella.    Bad Luck Brian

sneezes into a fan blowing back at him

sneezes into a fan blowing back at him  Bad Luck Brian

Gets mistaken for Cuba Gooding Jr. Radio

Gets mistaken for Cuba Gooding Jr. Radio  Bad Luck Brian

1 in 100 billion shot of getting hiv from mosquito gets hiv from mosquito bite

1 in 100 billion shot of getting hiv from mosquito gets hiv from mosquito bite  Bad Luck Brian

Made awesome NC fanart last night Beta key holder is now vanu

Made awesome NC fanart last night Beta key holder is now vanu   Bad Luck Brian

Plays Skyrim Not dragonborn

Plays Skyrim Not dragonborn  Bad Luck Brian

gets autograph from footballplayer joe Billi

gets autograph from footballplayer joe Billi  Bad Luck Brian
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