Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets on tv 1000 ways to die

Finally gets on tv  1000 ways to die  Bad Luck Brian

Makes front page of reddit still only gets 9 upvotes

Makes front page of reddit still only gets 9 upvotes  Bad Luck Brian

drinks a glass of water Drowns

drinks a glass of water Drowns  Bad Luck Brian

Cop says to go at broken red light gets pulled over for running the light

Cop says to go at broken red light gets pulled over for running the light  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to see new Bill Murray Movie Garfield

Goes to see new Bill Murray Movie Garfield  Bad Luck Brian

Finally brings girl back handjob

Finally brings girl back handjob  Bad Luck Brian

Finally posts cool shit on Tumblr School blocks Tumblr the next day

Finally posts cool shit on Tumblr School blocks Tumblr the next day  Bad Luck Brian

puts hand over face to see if he has cancer has cancer

puts hand over face to see if he has cancer has cancer  Bad Luck Brian

Joins a church peoples temple

Joins a church peoples temple  Bad Luck Brian

Fapping to girl's facebook pictures from last summer Accidentally likes

Fapping to girl's facebook pictures from last summer Accidentally likes  Bad Luck Brian
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