Bad Luck Brian

Pause card game with 12 year old to assist 14 year old fellow customer "Was that your son?"

Pause card game with 12 year old to assist 14 year old fellow customer

First 15,000 fans get free jersey Fan 15,000 , run out of jerseys

First 15,000 fans get free jersey Fan 15,000 , run out of jerseys  Bad Luck Brian

Runs out of money. The day before payday.

Runs out of money. The day before payday.  Bad Luck Brian

Tries a Crossover Injures his own ankle

Tries a Crossover Injures his own ankle  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to Carnival Turns out to be the carnival of lost children

Goes to Carnival Turns out to be the carnival of lost children  Bad Luck Brian

Stays up all night to get lucky Doesn't get lucky

Stays up all night to get lucky Doesn't get lucky  Bad Luck Brian

Gets first T5 Drop Rollback

Gets first T5 Drop Rollback  Bad Luck Brian

Decides on selling his steam account with Team Fortress 2 Game becomes free to play

Decides on selling his steam account with Team Fortress 2 Game becomes free to play  Bad Luck Brian

Flies on a plane for the first time 9/11

Flies on a plane for the first time 9/11  Bad Luck Brian

Comes out of the closet at firehouse Family makes him pay

Comes out of the closet at firehouse Family makes him pay  Bad Luck Brian
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