Bad Luck Brian

Loses virginity gets herpes

Loses virginity gets herpes   Bad Luck Brian

Picks on newbies Is a newbie herself

Picks on newbies Is a newbie herself  Bad Luck Brian

sees someone he knows on r/gonewild {m}

sees someone he knows on r/gonewild {m}  Bad Luck Brian

decides to go for a bike ride inhales while drinking water, crashes

decides to go for a bike ride inhales while drinking water, crashes  Bad Luck Brian

wins presidential election assassinated being sworn in

wins presidential election  assassinated being sworn in  Bad Luck Brian

what a weirdo he Has a Pet rock! he can make it "attack" you to death- be warned

what a weirdo he Has a Pet rock! he can make it

Pilots Solar-Powered Plane Cloudy Day

Pilots Solar-Powered Plane Cloudy Day  Bad Luck Brian

Everyone gets hit in Dodge ball but him Gets hit by a Meteorite instead

Everyone gets hit in Dodge ball but him Gets hit by a Meteorite instead  Bad Luck Brian

remembered mothers day and bought mum some flowers not mothers day in the uk

remembered mothers day and bought mum some flowers not mothers day in the uk  Bad Luck Brian

First day of summer break rear ends a car on the way to lunch

First day of summer break rear ends a car on the way to lunch  Bad Luck Brian
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