Bad Luck Brian

gets back on workout regiment sprains ankle

gets back on workout regiment sprains ankle  Bad Luck Brian

Plays black jack busts' after cards delt

Plays black jack busts' after cards delt  Bad Luck Brian

Takes picture pretending to fall off Grand Canyon Catches on fire

Takes picture pretending to fall off Grand Canyon Catches on fire  Bad Luck Brian

Just learned he is getting an inheritance learns it is hostess

Just learned he is getting an inheritance learns it is hostess  Bad Luck Brian

Cake day hostess out of business

Cake day hostess out of business  Bad Luck Brian

asked a father for their daughter's hand in marriage rejected

asked a father for their daughter's hand in marriage rejected  Bad Luck Brian

has famous dad jerry sandusky

has famous dad jerry sandusky  Bad Luck Brian

Hot girl slips him a phone number It's the suicide prevention line

Hot girl slips him a phone number It's the suicide prevention line  Bad Luck Brian

Is the lead singer/guitarist still doesn't get laid

Is the lead singer/guitarist still doesn't get laid  Bad Luck Brian

Asks for Wiiu for Christmas Gets gameboy color

Asks for Wiiu for Christmas Gets gameboy color  Bad Luck Brian
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