Bad Luck Brian

pretends to ignore girlfriend via text has read receipts enabled

pretends to ignore girlfriend via text has read receipts enabled    Bad Luck Brian

Has huge monitor screen Cant use OP's wallpaper

Has huge monitor screen Cant use OP's wallpaper
  Bad Luck Brian

After months of agonizing, finally reaches out, genuinely, to ex-girlfriend #nationaltextyourexday

After months of agonizing, finally reaches out, genuinely, to ex-girlfriend  #nationaltextyourexday  Bad Luck Brian

Accepted to University of Minnesota Duluth

Accepted to University of Minnesota Duluth  Bad Luck Brian

Tries not to get corn stuck between teeth tooth gets stuck in corn

Tries not to get corn stuck between teeth tooth gets stuck in corn  Bad Luck Brian

Puts ipod on shuffle Mercaz SONG

Puts ipod on shuffle Mercaz SONG  Bad Luck Brian

Gets laid Uses superglue instead of lube

Gets laid  Uses superglue instead of lube  Bad Luck Brian

finally gets into Honors training session everyone leaves

finally gets into Honors training session everyone leaves   Bad Luck Brian

Wins a free trip to an island Jurassic park

Wins a free trip to an island  Jurassic park   Bad Luck Brian

Moves away from Calgary Laura Oag moves there

Moves away from Calgary
 Laura Oag moves there   Bad Luck Brian
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