Bad Luck Brian

dries hand with Dyson airblade severs hand

dries hand with Dyson airblade severs hand  Bad Luck Brian

Tunes in to Phillies for the 1st time in a week 2 outs into the 8th inning against the astros

Tunes in to Phillies for the 1st time in a week 2 outs into the 8th inning against the astros  Bad Luck Brian

applies to Open University Closed

applies to Open University Closed  Bad Luck Brian

Stuck in Sword Art Online Developed by Bethesda

Stuck in Sword Art Online Developed by Bethesda  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to prison Gets raped by warden

Goes to prison Gets raped by warden  Bad Luck Brian

Buys spins banned for RWT

Buys spins banned for RWT  Bad Luck Brian

Trains consistently for cross country all summer Injures himself on fire hydrant and is out for a month

Trains consistently for cross country all summer Injures himself on fire hydrant and is out for a month  Bad Luck Brian

Runs with scissors get's hit by a bus

Runs with scissors get's hit by a bus  Bad Luck Brian

uses underwater 'street view' drowns

uses underwater 'street view' drowns  Bad Luck Brian

becomes catholic priest raped by alter boy

becomes catholic priest raped by alter boy  Bad Luck Brian
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