Bad Luck Brian

remembers he has a 4th a-level welsh baccalaureate

remembers he has a 4th a-level welsh baccalaureate  Bad Luck Brian

Got A* in maths test Bitch please

Got A* in maths
test Bitch please  Bad Luck Brian

Does the jingle State farm isn't there

Does the jingle State farm isn't there  Bad Luck Brian

Gets to the front page of r/spacedicks

Gets to the front page of r/spacedicks  Bad Luck Brian

wraps towel on head after finishing shower dropped by scout sniper

wraps towel on head after finishing shower dropped by scout sniper  Bad Luck Brian

First time on plane Flies through Twilight zone

First time on plane Flies through Twilight zone  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to first 18th Gets anal pubes in drink

Goes to first 18th Gets anal pubes in drink  Bad Luck Brian

Asked for autograph It's brad

Asked for autograph It's brad  Bad Luck Brian

Breaks up with gf to impress friends Adele

Breaks up with gf to impress friends Adele  Bad Luck Brian

Gets valentine's letter while on duty overseas Downer Donovan

Gets valentine's letter while on duty overseas Downer Donovan  Bad Luck Brian
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