Bad Luck Brian

First payday for first full-time job Pay period only included your four-day first week 3 weeks ago.

First payday for first full-time job Pay period only included your four-day first week 3 weeks ago.   Bad Luck Brian

Sees someone he knows on r/gonewild his mom

Sees someone he knows on r/gonewild his mom  Bad Luck Brian

Runs Boston Marathon Legs broken in explosion

Runs Boston Marathon Legs broken in explosion  Bad Luck Brian

Has 38 people killed in an explosion Has an earthquake the next day

Has 38 people killed in an explosion Has an earthquake the next day  Bad Luck Brian

cute boy messages me on dating site ex's brother

cute boy messages me on dating site ex's brother  Bad Luck Brian

Disrespects his surrondings Gets fined for littering

Disrespects his surrondings Gets fined for littering  Bad Luck Brian

Plays Candy Crush No one sends him tickets

Plays Candy Crush No one sends him tickets   Bad Luck Brian

Wins boston marathon doesnt get any fame because of the bombings

Wins boston marathon doesnt get any fame because of the bombings  Bad Luck Brian

Builds HMG Their suit can't fit it, best weapon Amarr have

Builds HMG Their suit can't fit it, best weapon Amarr have  Bad Luck Brian

Wakes from coma to see pretty girl at bedside SHE'S HIS SISTER

Wakes from coma to see pretty girl at bedside SHE'S HIS SISTER  Bad Luck Brian
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