Bad Luck Brian

Saves drowning woman car gets stolen

Saves drowning woman car gets stolen  Bad Luck Brian

Finally dreams he can fly explodes on takeoff

Finally dreams he can fly explodes on takeoff  Bad Luck Brian

Got accepted to Brooklyn College SEEK Program

Got accepted to Brooklyn College SEEK Program  Bad Luck Brian

invited to a party communist

invited to a party communist  Bad Luck Brian

Chokes to death While playing charades with his family

Chokes to death While playing charades with his family  Bad Luck Brian

Born a male Only has one testicle

Born a male  Only has one testicle   Bad Luck Brian

is sure that the higgs boson will never be found 7/4/2012

is sure that the higgs boson will never be found 7/4/2012  Bad Luck Brian

Suben las notas de los promocionales de las comisiones SE OLVIDAN DE LA 11

Suben las notas de los promocionales de las comisiones SE OLVIDAN DE LA 11  Bad Luck Brian

Won the democratic presidential nomination three times lost each time

Won the democratic presidential nomination three times lost each time  Bad Luck Brian

goes to the barber Sweeney Todd

goes to the barber Sweeney Todd  Bad Luck Brian
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