Bad Luck Brian

has an abusive father overly manly man

has an abusive father overly manly man  Bad Luck Brian

takes free samples from store jailed for shoplifting

takes free samples from store  jailed for shoplifting  Bad Luck Brian

Buys Pet rock dies

Buys Pet rock dies  Bad Luck Brian

buys macbook jonny craig

buys macbook jonny craig  Bad Luck Brian

Long Weekend. 0000-0400 Weekend watch

Long Weekend. 0000-0400 Weekend watch   Bad Luck Brian

Shows friend reddit friend makes front page before him

Shows friend reddit friend makes front page before him  Bad Luck Brian

Posts clever comment Checks comments already upvoted

Posts clever comment Checks comments already upvoted  Bad Luck Brian

flight to los angeles oceanic 815

flight to los angeles oceanic 815  Bad Luck Brian

Hits "Random" R/ladyboners


Can't leave Psat room during test Shits pants

Can't leave Psat room during test Shits pants  Bad Luck Brian
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