Bad Luck Brian

Puts peanut butter on penis Dog doesn't lick it off

Puts peanut butter on penis Dog doesn't lick it off  Bad Luck Brian

1000 comments zero karma

1000 comments zero karma  Bad Luck Brian

Friends throw surprise party heart attack

Friends throw surprise party heart attack  Bad Luck Brian

Homeschooled Doesn't win prom king

Homeschooled Doesn't win prom king  Bad Luck Brian

Gets to The Dome for free Justin Bieber

Gets to The Dome for free Justin Bieber  Bad Luck Brian

Winning a money league nobody pays

Winning a money league nobody pays  Bad Luck Brian

Jerks off for first time Contracts STD

Jerks off for first time Contracts STD  Bad Luck Brian

Reminded the teacher to collect the homework got his ass beat

Reminded the teacher to collect the homework got his ass beat  Bad Luck Brian

Jumps off empire state building survives

Jumps off empire state building  survives  Bad Luck Brian

First Name: Brian Last Name: Scalabrine

First Name: Brian Last Name: Scalabrine   Bad Luck Brian
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