Bad Luck Brian

Gets a Dui on a bike

Gets a Dui on a bike   Bad Luck Brian

gets phone with Whatsapp Whatsapp Becomes paid service

gets phone with Whatsapp Whatsapp Becomes paid service  Bad Luck Brian

Finds a clever parking spot on moveout day Car gets towed

Finds a clever parking spot on moveout day Car gets towed  Bad Luck Brian

Studies hard all week for exam Vomits hard during the exam

Studies hard all week for exam Vomits hard during the exam  Bad Luck Brian

First trip to New York City Chitauri Invasion

First trip to New York City Chitauri Invasion  Bad Luck Brian

Gets first kiss Male lifeguard giving CPR

Gets first kiss Male lifeguard giving CPR  Bad Luck Brian

Uses a time-machine to get back to WW2 jewish

Uses a time-machine to get back to WW2 jewish  Bad Luck Brian

Bitten by Radioactive spider Gets cancer

Bitten by Radioactive spider Gets cancer  Bad Luck Brian

builds u.s. enterprise full scale on minecraft server turns off security setting and gets griefed

builds u.s. enterprise full scale on minecraft server turns off security setting and gets griefed  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to jail Drops soap

Goes to jail Drops soap  Bad Luck Brian
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