Bad Luck Brian

Thinks of a good meme. Forgets.

Thinks of a good meme.  Forgets.   Bad Luck Brian

girlfriend want to try anal on him

girlfriend want to try anal on him  Bad Luck Brian

eats doritos locos tacos sober

eats doritos locos tacos sober  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to bed Hammered wakes up with a girlfriend

Goes to bed Hammered wakes up with a girlfriend  Bad Luck Brian

Gaby has so much unmatchable swag Hipsterrrrrr

Gaby has so much unmatchable swag  Hipsterrrrrr   Bad Luck Brian

Condom breaks gets his hand messy

Condom breaks gets his hand messy  Bad Luck Brian

has a nightmare ends up being a future prediction

has a nightmare ends up being a future prediction  Bad Luck Brian

21st Birthday Present? Rapid onset schitzophrenia

21st Birthday Present? Rapid onset schitzophrenia  Bad Luck Brian

Makes game winning shot in basketball game Wrong goal

Makes game winning shot in basketball game Wrong goal  Bad Luck Brian

Takes a deep breath Punctures lung

Takes a deep breath Punctures lung  Bad Luck Brian
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