Bad Luck Brian

First time downloading from pirate bay arrested

First time downloading from pirate bay arrested  Bad Luck Brian

Masturbates goes blind

Masturbates goes blind  Bad Luck Brian

sits to close to tv goes blind

sits to close to tv goes blind  Bad Luck Brian

posts on r/trees gets downvoted

posts on r/trees gets downvoted  Bad Luck Brian

Gets Bit By His Hamster Contracts Rabies

Gets Bit By His Hamster Contracts Rabies  Bad Luck Brian

First in line on Black Friday Trampled to death

First in line on Black Friday Trampled to death  Bad Luck Brian

doesn't read the terms and conditions killed and has his organs harvested

doesn't read the terms and conditions killed and has his organs harvested  Bad Luck Brian

hits on a girl at a star wars convention she calls him a scruffy looking nerf herder

hits on a girl at a star wars convention she calls him a scruffy looking nerf herder  Bad Luck Brian

Tells a lie Pants burst into flames

Tells a lie Pants burst into flames  Bad Luck Brian

learns his ancestry from descendent of hitler

learns his ancestry from descendent of hitler  Bad Luck Brian
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