Bad Luck Brian

musters up courage to get graduation photo taken becomes bad luck brian

musters up courage to get graduation photo taken becomes bad luck brian   Bad Luck Brian

finally gets lots of karma from a post on reddit it's a self-post

finally gets lots of karma from a post on reddit it's a self-post  Bad Luck Brian

1st cake day Allergic to cats

1st cake day Allergic to cats  Bad Luck Brian

Goes thrift shopping gets crushed by building rubble

Goes thrift shopping  gets crushed by building rubble  Bad Luck Brian

Sees fable III for free on Xbox Live Not available in region

Sees fable III for free on Xbox Live Not available in region  Bad Luck Brian

rats out government for spying gets labeled with "act of treason"

rats out government for spying gets labeled with

Friend joins reddit. His first post gets front page.

Friend joins reddit. His first post gets front page.  Bad Luck Brian

Buys an IPhone Baby Sister destroys it on the first day, and Mom washes headphones

Buys an IPhone Baby Sister destroys it on the first day, and Mom washes headphones  Bad Luck Brian

Uses a Porta-potty Gets splashed

Uses a Porta-potty Gets splashed  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to Subway because Japanese food makes him sick Gets food poisoning

Goes to Subway because Japanese food makes him sick Gets food poisoning  Bad Luck Brian
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