Bad Luck Brian

Gets blown by a girl sandy

Gets blown by a girl sandy  Bad Luck Brian

finds a great deal on a flight to nyc

finds a great deal on a flight to nyc  Bad Luck Brian

Has a sweet solo Tuner on

Has a sweet solo Tuner on  Bad Luck Brian

Finally team after 16 years Lockout after 1 season

Finally team after 16 years Lockout after 1 season  Bad Luck Brian

First sunburn Skin cancer

First sunburn  Skin cancer   Bad Luck Brian

clicks back button when link isn't loading quickly link fully loads a millisecond before clicking back button

clicks back button when link isn't loading quickly link fully loads a millisecond before clicking back button  Bad Luck Brian

Someone comments on his meme submission quickmeme transcriber

Someone comments on his meme submission quickmeme transcriber  Bad Luck Brian

drinks root beer liver failure

drinks root beer liver failure  Bad Luck Brian

Girlfriend comes home for a week from college period.

Girlfriend comes home for a week from college period.  Bad Luck Brian

Tries to get sympathy from friends for a bad grade on fb Friends cheer him up by saying how much better they did

Tries to get sympathy from friends for a bad grade on fb Friends cheer him up by saying how much better they did  Bad Luck Brian
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