Bad Luck Brian

wants to kiss his mom no teeth

wants to kiss his mom no teeth  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to see Dark Knight Rising gets shot in the face

Goes to see Dark Knight Rising gets shot in the face  Bad Luck Brian

gets a new computer Day after Steam Summer Sale

gets a new computer Day after Steam Summer Sale  Bad Luck Brian

finds hundred dollar bill on ground cky shit dollar

finds hundred dollar bill on ground cky shit dollar  Bad Luck Brian

Tried sleeping in the nude pink eye

Tried sleeping in the nude pink eye  Bad Luck Brian

Says fingers hurt Now on landscaping duty

Says fingers hurt Now on landscaping duty  Bad Luck Brian

Posts a great meme It's already been done

Posts a great meme It's already been done  Bad Luck Brian

Eats an uncrustable with crust

Eats an uncrustable with crust  Bad Luck Brian

is pulled out of burning house spontaneously combusts

is pulled out of burning house spontaneously combusts  Bad Luck Brian

Goes into operating room Is wrong operating room Gets a sex change

Goes into operating room  Is wrong operating room
Gets a sex change 
  Bad Luck Brian
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